Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Blessed are You, Lord our God, Ruler of the universe,
who brings forth bread from the earth.

Hashem created you and me,
And everything in the world that we see,
Only Hashem has the power to make things grow,
Hashem provides our sustenance wherever we go.

Before and after eating or drinking the proper thing to do,
Is to say "Please" and "Thank You!"
Our Rabbi's instituted blessings, there are 6 different kinds,
Depending on where the food you may find.

For Challah, pita, baguettes or any type of bread,
The blessing of Hamotzei is the one that is said,
"Thank you for bringing forth bread from the earth," we say,
We are grateful for our sustenance every day!

On Shabbat before we dine,
We place two Challahs on the table so fine,
Why isn't it enough to have one?
It reminds us of the double portion of Mon.

The Mon was a delicious treat,
For the Jews in the desert to eat,
It fell from heaven every day of the week,
Besides for the holy day of Shabbat which is unique.

A double portion of Mon fell on Friday,
So that the Jews would have food for the Shabbat day,
The Challah board and the Challah cover remind us of the dew,
That fell before and after the Mon to protect it for every Jew.

After the Hamotzei is said on bread,
During the meal no additional blessings need to be said,
Exceptions there are two,
For wine and desert which we look forward to!

Souvenir: tiny Challah

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