Thursday, September 3, 2015

Shemoneh Esrei: Hashem Sifatai Tiftach

There is a special prayer called the Shemoneh Esrei,
We say it three times a day,
Amidah is another name for this prayer,
Amidah means to stand before our creator.

Hashem we've never seen,
To stand before Him what does it really mean?
Imagine you are an actor in a play,
You were given lines to practice and say.

As the dramatic scene unfolds, you don't like what you see,
You scream "Cut! I need to talk to the director immediately!"
The director is as busy as can be,
Yet he takes the time to listen patiently.

All of a sudden you begin to tremble in your heart,
You stand in awe and don't know how to start,
You are not standing before a director of a Hollywood scene,
Hashem is the director of heaven and earth and everything in between.

You ask the director to open your lips, because He knows your part,
So that you can use your mouth to praise Him with all your heart,
Hashem desires a relationship with every Jew,
Hashem wants to hear your perspective and view.

When we Daven, Shmoneh Esrei, quietly,
We are speaking to the director of the world privately,
Hashem listens to our needs, worries and fears,
Hashem is our loving father who cares!

Hashem says "I know that the accident scene isn't pretty,
And that in the dentist's chair you don't want to be,
But there is a plan that you can't see,
I will take care of everything, don't worry."


Wednesday, June 24, 2015


בְּרֵאשִׁית בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth

There was once a couple who waited many years,
To be blessed with a baby they prayed and shed many tears,
At last they were blessed with a baby boy,
They were so grateful and full of joy.

When the boy grew up, he went to Yeshivah every day,
His father walked him all the way,
The boy studied Torah with all his heart,
"Beraishit Barah Elokim" is how the Torah does start.

The boy told his father that he didn't have to walk him all the way,
He could meet his friends and he would be ok,
At last, the father did agree,
And he went to meet his friends happily.

His happiness didn't last long,
He was kidnapped by an officer who was strong,
To hold onto his Chumash with all his might he did try,
But the officer put it in the king's library, on a shelf so high.

Meanwhile , the king was very sick,
They called the doctors quick,
To get a book of medicine from the library they did go,
They returned with the Chumash, to read Hebrew nobody did know.

The king's officer recognized the book,
He called the young boy to come and take a look,
The boy began reading the first verse,
The king began feeling better instead of feeling worse.

"In the beginning, Hashem created the heaven and the earth" he did explain,
By the time he was done, the king had no more pain,
"What would you like for saving my life?" the king asked the boy,
"To be reunited with my parents, is the only thing that will bring me joy!"

To see his parents he did yearn,
In a royal carriage he did return,
From all the king's gifts nothing could compare,
To his Chumash which he held so dear!

Souvenir: 7 days of creation necklace

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Vayehi Binsoah Haaron

וַיְהִי בִּנְסֹעַ הָאָרֹן וַיֹּאמֶר מֹשֶׁה קוּמָה יְהוָה וְיָפֻצוּ אֹיְבֶיךָ וְיָנֻסוּ מְשַׂנְאֶיךָ מִפָּנֶיךָ. 
כִּי מִצִּיּוֹן תֵּצֵא תוֹרָה וּדְבַר יְהוָה מִירוּשָׁלִָם. בָּרוּךְ שֶׁנָּתַן תּורָה לְעַמּו יִשרָאֵל בִּקְדֻשָּׁתו: 
Whenever the Ark set forth, Moshe would say: "Arise, God, and Your enemies will be dispersed those who hate You will flee before you." For the Torah shall go forth from Zion and the word of God from Jerusalem. Blessed is He Who gave the Torah to His people, Yisrael, in his holiness.

When it is time to read from the Torah scroll,
To open the ark is an honorable role,
We stand with awe and fear,
As if we were receiving the Torah now and here.

When the ark is opened "Vayehi Binso'a Ha'Aron," we say,
It is a prayer that dates back to Moshe's day,
When the Jews camped and when they were on the go,
The ark which contained the tablets was the center of the show.

When the Jews were in the desert, the cloud of glory was their GPS,
When they would travel next the Jews could only guess.
When the cloud would rise, their possessions they gathered,
When the ark was lifted, Moshe said, "Your enemies shall be scattered."

For the Jews, the holy ark paved the way,
The wild beasts and poisonous snakes ran away,
No enemy threatened the Jews when they were on their way,
May Hashem scatter our enemies today.

We also remember a prophecy about Moshiach's days,
When the entire world will follow in Hashem's ways,
"Out of Zion shall go forth the Torah," we say,
"And the word of Hashem from Jerusalem," may it happen today!

Souvenir: small plush Torah

Monday, June 22, 2015


Blessed are You, Lord our God, Ruler of the universe,
at whose word all came to be.

On all the food that does not grow,
We say the blessing of "Shehakol Nihiye Bidvaro"
On chicken, meat, fish eggs and cheese,
On ices and ice cream that we need to freeze.

By Hashem's word all things came to be,
We say "Shehakol" on chocolate and candy,
If we are unsure of a particular food's blessing,
We say "Shehakol" instead of guessing.

Souvenir: candy eraser

Sunday, June 21, 2015


Blessed are You, Lord our God, Ruler of the universe,
who creates the fruit of the ground

On all the vegetables that are found,
Growing from the ground,
"Borei Pri Haadama" we say,
They are nutritious in every way,

Cucumbers, peppers, lettuce and tomatoes,
Carrots, spinach, broccoli and potatoes,
We thank Hashem for making the vegetables grow,
Each one is planted in its own neat row.

The blessing of "Haadama" is the one that is right,
On bananas to recite,
Because the banana tree doesn't last from year to year,
It just dries up and disappears.

Souvenir: vegetable eraser

Friday, June 19, 2015


Blessed are You, Lord our God, Ruler of the universe,
who creates the fruit of the tree.

When you are outside enjoying the breeze,
And you see delicious fruit hanging from trees,
The blessing of "Borei Pri Haeitz" comes to mind,
Thank you Hashem for creating the fruit that we find.

On Tu B'Shvat it is a custom to eat,
Fruit that Israel is blessed with, what a treat,
Grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives and dates,
Make a blessing and fill your plates!

Souvenir: fruit eraser

Thursday, June 18, 2015


Blessed are You, Lord our God, Ruler of the universe,
who creates the fruit of the vine.

"Borei Pri Hagafen" is the blessing on grape juice and wine,
We thank Hashem for creating the fruit of the vine,
We drink wine many times on the Jewish calendar,
On Shabbat, Holidays and Simchas which are spectacular!

We use wine to separate,
Weekdays from holy days that are great,
With the Kiddush wine we sanctify,
With the Havdalah wine we say goodbye.

On Purim we drink until we can show,
That the difference between Haman and Mordechai we don't know,
On Pesach we drink not one cup but four,
For Elijah the Prophet we fill up one more.

At the Brit of a newborn baby boy,
A blessing is made on wine and we celebrate with joy,
Under the Chuppa at every wedding,
On a cup of wine there is a blessing!

Souvenir: kiddush cup

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Blessed are You, Lord our God, Ruler of the universe,
who creates varieties of nourishment.

On foods made with grain that are not considered bread,
The blessing of "Borei Minai Mezonot" is said,
Cakes, pies, cookies or danishes,
Pasta, couscous, crackers or knishes.

When I see doughnuts on Chanukah, my diet I quit,
On Purim, Hamentashen are my favorite,
On Shavuot I say "Mezonot" on my ice cream cone,
On my birthday cake, I say "Mezonot" on my own!

In this blessing to Hashem we say thank you,
For all the various kinds of sustenance for me and you,
The next time you are at the bakery,
The "Mezonot" blessing you can say proudly!

Souvenir: cupcake eraser

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Blessed are You, Lord our God, Ruler of the universe,
who brings forth bread from the earth.

Hashem created you and me,
And everything in the world that we see,
Only Hashem has the power to make things grow,
Hashem provides our sustenance wherever we go.

Before and after eating or drinking the proper thing to do,
Is to say "Please" and "Thank You!"
Our Rabbi's instituted blessings, there are 6 different kinds,
Depending on where the food you may find.

For Challah, pita, baguettes or any type of bread,
The blessing of Hamotzei is the one that is said,
"Thank you for bringing forth bread from the earth," we say,
We are grateful for our sustenance every day!

On Shabbat before we dine,
We place two Challahs on the table so fine,
Why isn't it enough to have one?
It reminds us of the double portion of Mon.

The Mon was a delicious treat,
For the Jews in the desert to eat,
It fell from heaven every day of the week,
Besides for the holy day of Shabbat which is unique.

A double portion of Mon fell on Friday,
So that the Jews would have food for the Shabbat day,
The Challah board and the Challah cover remind us of the dew,
That fell before and after the Mon to protect it for every Jew.

After the Hamotzei is said on bread,
During the meal no additional blessings need to be said,
Exceptions there are two,
For wine and desert which we look forward to!

Souvenir: tiny Challah

Monday, June 15, 2015

Shema Yisrael

שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ יְהוָה אֶחָד. בָּרוּךְ שֵׁם כְּבוֹד מַלְכוּתוֹ לְעוֹלָם וָעֶד.
וְאָהַבְתָּ אֵת יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ בְּכָל לְבָבְךָ וּבְכָל נַפְשְׁךָ וּבְכָל מְאֹדֶךָ. וְהָיוּ הַדְּבָרִים הָאֵלֶּה אֲשֶׁר אָנֹכִי מְצַוְּךָ הַיּוֹם עַל-לְבָבֶךָ. וְשִׁנַּנְתָּם לְבָנֶיךָ וְדִבַּרְתָּ בָּם בְּשִׁבְתְּךָ בְּבֵיתֶךָ וּבְלֶכְתְּךָ בַדֶּרֶךְ וּבְשָׁכְבְּךָ וּבְקוּמֶךָ. וּקְשַׁרְתָּם לְאוֹת עַל יָדֶךָ וְהָיוּ לְטֹטָפֹת בֵּין עֵינֶיךָ. וּכְתַבְתָּם עַל מְזֻזוֹת בֵּיתֶךָ וּבִשְׁעָרֶיךָ.

Hear, O Israel, the L-rd is our G-d, the L-rd is One.
Blessed be the name of the glory of His kingdom forever and ever.
You shall love the L-rd your G-d with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might. And these words which I command you today shall be upon your heart. You shall teach them thoroughly to your children, and you shall speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road, when you lie down and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign upon your hand, and they shall be for a reminder between your eyes. And you shall write them upon the doorposts of your house and upon your gates.

When we say the Shema we declare,
That there is one Hashem who is everywhere,
We are commanded to love Hashem with all our heart, soul and might,
We teach this to our children morning noon and night,

In the Shema, the commandment for men to wrap Tefillin we find,
To Hashem, every Jew must bind their heart and mind,
We are commanded to place a Mezuzah on the door for all to see,
It shows that a Jew, we are proud to be!

During the Holocaust, there was a boy of four,
Who had to part from his mother because of the war.
When he said goodbye, there were tears on his mother's face,
These were her final words from their last embrace.

"Shema Yisrael, know that there is but one G-d above,
When you feel pain, when you rejoice,
Know how He longs to hear your voice,
Hashem Elokeinu, Hashem Echad."

Hidden in a monestary is how he survived,
But of his Jewish education he was deprived,
He tried not to forget his past, his home,
But he was so very young and all alone,
The visions of his childhood so vivid and clear,
Began to fade, and was about to disappear.

After the war, one Rabbi took on the task,
To bring the scattered Jewish children home at last,
He entered the fortress dark and cold,
You have 5 minutes to find the children he was told.

Hashem above, he whispered, "Please don't let me fail."
And he began to sing "Shema Yisrael!"
When the Shema prayer the children heard,
Their Neshama, G-dly soul, was awakened and to the Jewish people they returned.

Souvenir: #1 candle

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Adon Olam

אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם אֲשֶׁר מָלַךְ, בְּטֶרֶם כָּל יְצִיר נִבְרָא: לְעֵת נַעֲשָׂה בְחֶפְצוֹ כֹּל, אֲזַי מֶלֶךְ שְׁמוֹ נִקְרָא: וְאַחֲרֵי כִּכְלוֹת הַכֹּל, לְבַדּוֹ יִמְלֹךְ נוֹרָא: וְהוּא הָיָה, וְהוּא הֹוֶה, וְהוּא יִהְיֶה בְּתִפְאָרָה: וְהוּא אֶחָד וְאֵין שֵׁנִי, לְהַמְשִׁיל לוֹ לְהַחְבִּירָה: בְּלִי רֵאשִׁית בְּלִי תַכְלִית, וְלוֹ הָעֹז וְהַמִּשְׂרָה: וְהוּא אֵלִי וְחַי גוֹאֲלִי, וְצוּר חֶבְלִי בְּעֵת צָרָה: וְהוּא נִסִּי וּמָנוֹס לִי, מְנָת כּוֹסִי בְּיוֹם אֶקְרָא: בְּיָדוֹ אַפְקִיד רוּחִי, בְּעֵת אִישָׁן וְאָעִירָה: וְעִם רוּחִי גְּוִיָּתִי, יְהֹוָה לִי וְלֹא אִירָא:

The Lord of the Universe who reigned before anything was created. When all was made by his will He was acknowledged as King. And when all shall end He still all alone shall reign. He was, He is, and He shall be in glory. And He is one, and there's no other, to compare or join Him. Without beginning, without end and to Him belongs diminion and power. And He is my G-d, my living G-d. to Him I flee in time of grief, and He is my miracle and my refuge, who answers the day I shall call. To Him I commit my spirit, in the time of sleep and awakening, even if my spirit leaves, G-d is with me, I shall not fear.

Every day, "Adon Olam" we sing,
Hashem ruled, before creating anything,
After creating everything,
He was proclaimed as king.

After all things are said and done,
Hashem will rule alone, He is the awesome one,
He was, He is, and He shall be,
There is no other compared to His glory.

Without a beginning, without an end,
His power and rulership will never bend,
He is my redeemer and will never let me fall,
He is my refuge on the day I call.

When I sleep and when I'm awake
my spirit is in His care,
Hashem is with me, I shall not fear,
To Hashem we are as thankful as can be,
For creating us and everything we see.

Long ago there lived a king,
Who wanted proof that G-d created everything,
His royal advisors had no clue,
So the king called the Rabbi who was a wise Jew.

On the king's desk was an inkwell and quill,
By accident all the ink did spill,
To call a servant the king did go,
He left the Rabbi by the window.

The Rabbi cleaned up the mess in a minute or two,
And drew a beautiful picture of the magnificent view,
When the king returned he was in for a surprise,
When he saw the drawing he couldn't believe his eyes.

The king's excitement couldn't be contained,
"Who drew this masterpiece?" He exclaimed,
The Rabbi replied calmly,
"It happened by itself, can't you see?"

"After the ink spilled, the picture just appeared,"
"That can't be," the king declared,
If there must be an artist behind a piece of art,
Then there must be a creator, from the start!

Souvenir: colored pencils

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Al Mitzvat Tzitzit

בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה'. אֱלהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעולָם. אֲשֶׁר קִדְּשָׁנוּ בְּמִצְותָיו וְצִוָּנוּ עַל מִצְוַת צִיצִית
Blessed are you God our Lord, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us concerning the Mitzva of Tzitzis

A soldier wears his uniform with pride,
His camouflage jacket helps him hide,
His gun he carries by his side,
Because of his uniform, as a soldier he is identified.

To the army of Hashem we belong,
Our Jewish uniform keeps us strong.
Hashem is above us, Jewish men and boys declare,
When a Kippah on their head they wear.

The Tzizit /ציצית garment is part of their uniform too,
It reminds them of the 613 commandments to do,
Because each letter in the Hebrew Alef-Bet,
A number it does represent.

צ equals ninety and י equals ten,
Go ahead and do it again,
צ equals ninety and י equals ten,
ת equals four hundred, add it up with a pen.

Six hundred is the total so far, you're right,
Now add eight strings and five knots that are tied tight,
613 you did get!
Jewish men and boys, with their uniforms, are now set!

In this blessing, men and boys declare,
Thank you Hashem for commanding us to wear,
Tzitzit that we hold so dear,
Our commitment to Hashem is clear!

Jewish girls and women are as special as can be,
Their uniform is to dress modestly,
They can cover their elbows with long sleeved shirts,
They can cover their knees with dresses or skirts,
Modest clothing is perfect for princesses, daughters of Hashem,
Because precious things are covered and protected like a gem!

Souvenir: Tzitzit

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Hama-avir Shenah

בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה' אֱלהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעולָם. הַמַּעֲבִיר שֵׁנָה מֵעֵינָי וּתְנוּמָה מֵעַפְעַפָּי
Blessed are you God our Lord, King of the universe,
who removes sleep from my eyes and slumber from my eyelids

When a soldier is on duty he does know,
That any remnants of sleep must go,
He needs to constantly be alert,
So that from his enemy he won't get hurt.

Thank you Hashem for removing sleep from our eyes,
And slumber from our eyelids so that we can recognize,
The evil inclination that is in disguise,
Who tries to catch us by surprise.

Some people start their day with a cup of coffee,
To remove any remnants of sleep totally,
But we know that Torah and Mitzvot are the key,
To keep us alert and give us energy.

Before going out into the world, this blessing we say,
As Hashem's soldiers, we will be on guard all day,
For the evil inclination's tricks,
Torah and Mitzvot are the fix!

Souvenir: coffee cup eraser

Friday, June 5, 2015

Hanoten Layaef Koach

בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה' אֱלהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעולָם. הַנּותֵן לַיָּעֵף כּחַ
Blessed are you G-d, King of the universe, Who gives strength to the weary

At night, we are as tired as can be,
Just like a cell phone that says low battery,
In the morning we wake up full of energy,
Like a cell phone that is charged completely.

Who is behind this all?
It can only be Hashem, who is always on call,
Not only does Hashem give us strength that is physical,
He gives us emotional strength, which is spiritual.

If a person goes to sleep in a bad mood,
He can wake up and feel renewed,
When we put our trust in Hashem we have hope,
Hashem gives us the strength to cope.

We thank Hashem daily,
For giving strength to the weary,
Rest and renewal is clearly,
A miracle that Hashem does for you and me.

Souvenir: cell phone eraser

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Oter Yisrael B'Tifara

בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה' אֱלהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעולָם. עוטֵר יִשרָאֵל בְּתִפְאָרָה
Blessed are you G-d, King of the universe, who crowns Israel with glory

Thank you Hashem for crowning Israel with glory,
Let's understand this blessing with a story,
There was once a great Rabbi that went on a journey,
To collect money for Charity.

To travel alone no one would dare,
Especially through a desert so bare,
A caravan to join, the Rabbi did find,
But because of Shabbat, he was in a bind.

To the caravan leader, the Rabbi explained his tradition,
To rest on Shabbat, he asked permission,
The leader said that for the right price,
They would all stop for Shabbat and be very nice.

A large sum of money, the Rabbi did pay,
The caravan left that day,
The leader's memory quickly did fade,
He forgot about the promise that he made.

As Shabbat drew near, the Rabbi did fear,
That to keep his promise, the leader didn't care,
When the caravan leader laughed in his face,
In Hashem, his trust, the Rabbi did place.

The Rabbi stood alone in the desert for a minute or two,
When suddenly a lion came roaring into view,
The lion was the Rabbi's Shabbat guest,
To protect the Rabbi, so he could rest.

When Shabbat was done,
Through the desert the lion did run,
The caravan leader was so surprised to see,
The Rabbi sitting on the lion's back so calmly.

The Rabbi's faith in Hashem is not a mystery,
This blessing holds the key,
Hashem crowns Israel with glory,
Hashem gives us a crown of divine energy.

With this crown we have the power,
To believe in Hashem every hour,
When a king wears his crown, he looks his best,
It shows that he is above the rest.

Our spiritual crown does symbolize,
That for Hashem, above logic we can rise,
Our connection to Hashem is above explanation,
This is unique to the Jewish nation.

Our commitment to Hashem is very strong,
Even when things seem to be going wrong,
In order to remember a crown so spiritual,
We wear a head covering that is physical.

A Kippah, Jewish men and boys wear,
Jewish married women can cover their hair,
We wear our headgear like a crown with pride,
Our Jewish identity we will never hide.

Our head coverings remind us that Hashem is above,
We serve Hashem with fear and love,
The other nations wear
 a head covering for protection,
Jewish people wear a head covering
 to show their connection.

Souvenir: crown toy

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Ozer Yisrael B'Gevurah

בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה' אֱלהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעולָם. אוזֵר יִשרָאֵל בִּגְבוּרָה
Blessed are you G-d, King of the universe, who girds Israel with strength

When soldiers in the army have to fight,
They wear a belt that is on tight,
To carry their weapons both day and night,
A belt is a symbol of strength and might!

We are soldiers in an army too,
Hashem is our commander, who tells us what to do,
Hashem gives us the strength to overcome,
Our evil inclination, which likes to have fun.

"Who girds Israel with strength," we say,
For spiritual strength, we turn to Hashem every day,
So fasten your belt, and draw Hashem near,
In the story below this lesson is clear.

The landlord made a decree,
On all the Jews of the city,
Yankel, was the one that the Bal Shem Tov did choose,
To go and represent the Jews.

Yankel didn't know why he was sent,
But off to the landlord's mansion he went,
Yankel prepared his words carefully,
But he was thrown into the dungeon immediately.

To Yankel, the landlord did say,
"I'm giving you two choices today,
If you convert you will be set free,
If you refuse your life will end miserably."

The landlord threatened Yankel that if he would refuse,
And Christianity he would not choose,
Boiling metal that was very hot,
Would be poured down his throat from a steaming pot.

Yankel said, that rather than living a lie,
He would prefer to die,
Yankel's strength to do what is right, is not a mystery,
Hashem girds Israel with strength, is the key.

Yankel closed his eyes really tight,
He wanted to serve Hashem with all his might,
Little did Yankel know that he was in for a treat,
The hot liquid down his throat, was honey that was sweet!

Yankel opened his eyes,
To see the landlord smiling, was a surprise,
The landlord said "Don't you recognize me?
I'm so impressed with your bravery!

I was orphaned with nowhere to go,
You found me trudging in the snow,
All winter, in your house I did stay,
Your kindness, how could I ever repay?

Alef, Bet, Gimmel, Daled, Hay,
With joy you taught your students every day,
You said, that the greatest thing,
Is to give up your life, for Hashem who is king.

After that winter I went on my way,
A successful landlord I am today,
Your kindness I wanted to repay,
Finally I found a way.

I gave you the opportunity,
To prove your strength and loyalty,
With flying colors you passed the test,
I now see that the Jewish people are the best!

Thanks to you, I will annul the decree,
I will always remember that you saved me!"
Yankel returned to his family,
The Jews were as happy as could be.

Souvenir: bendable soldier

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Hamaychin Mitzadei Gaver

בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה' אֱלהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעולָם. הַמֵּכִין מִצְעֲדֵי גָבֶר
Blessed are you G-d, King of the universe, who makes man's footsteps stable

When a baby begins to walk, excitement we feel,
But we quickly forget that walking is a big deal,
We have places to go and people to meet,
We need to be grateful for our feet.

There is a deeper explanation, that is especially true,
When going to a country or city that is new,
Thank you for directing the steps of man,
For each of us, Hashem has a plan.

The purpose of our trip, is for something more,
Then what we think we went for,
Even when we go on vacation,
Hashem is the one who leads us to our destination.

The purpose might be, to do a favor for another,
Because every Jew is our sister or brother,
Wherever we may go,
There is a mission for us we know.

Souvenir: footprint eraser

Monday, June 1, 2015

She'asah Li Kol Tzorki

בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה' אֱלהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעולָם. שֶׁעָשה לִּי כָּל צָרְכִּי
Blessed are you G-d, King of the universe, who has provided me with every need

All of our needs, Hashem does provide,
How much we will earn, Hashem does decide,
Even our shoes and laces that are tied,
Are from Hashem, so that we can work outside.

Not only does Hashem provide us with direction,
He gives us shoes for our protection,
All of our needs come from Hashem alone,
Here is a story that is well known.

Moshe the innkeeper served his customers day and night,
He was a G-d fearing Jew who knew wrong from right,
One day his landlord came in for a drink,
"How is business going?" he asked with a wink.

"Baruch Hashem, thank G-d," Moshe did say,
"Hashem provides for me everyday,"
"How can you thank G-d, who you can't see?
The one who provides for you is me!"

On the landlord's face there was a big frown,
He was so mad that he closed the inn down,
Moshe didn't worry at all,
He knew that Hashem would hear his call.

Meanwhile the landlord was told,
To check his coins of gold,
After he was sure that his coins weren't fake,
His favorite monkey swallowed the coins by mistake.

The landlord was as puzzled as could be,
When he found his dead monkey,
He decided to have some fun,
He threw it into the bedroom of Moshe's son,

Moshe's children scream with fear,
But suddenly gold coins did appear,
Moshe shook the dead monkey well,
To the ground, all the coins fell.

At last, Moshe had money to buy everything,
At the Pesach Seder he felt like a king,
That night, the landlord decided to take a ride,
To see if for Moshe, Hashem did provide.

When he peeked into the window he was as shocked as could be,
He saw Moshe celebrating Pesach with his happy family,
Hashem is the one who provides he had to admit,
To reopen the inn, of course the landlord did permit!

The lesson is that from the start,
We should trust in Hashem with all our heart,
We just need to try our best,
And let Hashem take care of the rest!

Souvenir: shoe key chain

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Rokah Haaretz Al Hamayim

בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה' אֱלהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעולָם. רוקַע הָאָרֶץ עַל הַמָּיִם: 
Blessed are you God our Lord, King of the universe,
Who spreads the earth over and above the water.

On the third day of creation, Hashem did command,
All the waters to gather to form dry land,
Seas and oceans did appear,
From floods we usually don't have to fear.

Under the earth's surface water did remain,
Fresh water from wells and springs we can obtain,
Earth and rocks are heavier than water it's true,
For not making us sink, Hashem, we thank you!

Over and above the waters, earth Hashem does spread,
Before we step outside each day, this blessing is said,
For allowing us to live on dry land, Hashem is so kind,
Our gratitude to our creator, is always on our mind.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Zokeif Kefufim

בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה' אֱלהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעולָם. זוקֵף כְּפוּפִים: 
Blessed are you God our Lord, King of the universe,
Who straightens those who are stooped.

Some animals are tame, others roar,
But legs, they all have four,
Their heads are bowed as they roam around,
They usually look towards the ground.

But Hashem created humans in a different way,
We can stand upright every day,
The bowed, Hashem does raise,
When we get up in the morning, Hashem we praise.

We need to "walk upright" in our daily conduct too,
And remember that we have a mission to do,
We can always look to the sky,
Hashem is watching us from on high.

Hashem raises those that are emotionally bowed down,
Because of their burdens, they feel they are about to drown,
Worry and anxiety may surround,
But Hashem can turn it all around.

Souvenir: bendable toy man

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Matir Asurim

בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה' אֱלהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעולָם. מַתִּיר אֲסוּרִים
Blessed are you G-d, King of the universe, who releases the bound

When we are sleeping peacefully,
To control our movements we aren't free,
Thank you Hashem for releasing the bound,
When we wake up, we are free to move around!

Sometimes we feel like we are stuck in a hole,
In a situation we feel we can't control,
We ask Hashem, our chains to remove,
So that our lives we can improve.

So if you have a bad habit that gets in your way,
You can ask Hashem to help you break it today,
To our chains, Hashem has the key,
We just have to really want to be free.

Souvenir: toy hand cuffs

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Malbish Arumim

בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה' אֱלהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעולָם. מַלְבִּישׁ עֲרֻמִּים
Blessed are you G-d, King of the universe, who clothes the naked

"What should I wear?"
About our clothes we care,
"What will poeople say,
If I dress this way?"

While getting dressed we must keep in mind,
That Hashem provides the clothes we find,
"Thank you for clothing the naked," we say,
We thank Hashem for our clothing every day.

We thank Hashem for providing clothes for our Souls too,
By giving us Mitzvot that we can do,
Mitzvot are performed with thoughts, words and deeds,
These are the garments that every Soul needs.

When we give clothes to the poor,
This is one way we can be sure,
That our Souls will be dressed,
With Spiritual clothes that are the best!"

Souvenir: shirt memo pad