Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Matir Asurim

בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה' אֱלהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעולָם. מַתִּיר אֲסוּרִים
Blessed are you G-d, King of the universe, who releases the bound

When we are sleeping peacefully,
To control our movements we aren't free,
Thank you Hashem for releasing the bound,
When we wake up, we are free to move around!

Sometimes we feel like we are stuck in a hole,
In a situation we feel we can't control,
We ask Hashem, our chains to remove,
So that our lives we can improve.

So if you have a bad habit that gets in your way,
You can ask Hashem to help you break it today,
To our chains, Hashem has the key,
We just have to really want to be free.

Souvenir: toy hand cuffs

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