Sunday, May 17, 2015

Shelo Asani Goy

בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה' אֱלהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעולָם. שֶׁלּא עָשנִי גּוי: 
Blessed are you God our Lord, King of the universe,
Who has not made me a member of another nation

The Jews are a small minority, dispersed among every nation,
Who have faced persecution in every generation.

Instead of envying his non-Jewish neighbor,
The Jew makes a blessing of gratitude to his creator.

This gratitude comes from the realization,
That 613 Mitzvot were given to the Jewish nation.

Why not make the blessing in a positive way?
"Blessed...who made me a Jew," why don't we say?

The MAKING of a Jew is up to me and you,
It's not enough to be born as a Jew.

To live and act like a Jew is what we need to do,
To Hashem we choose to be loyal and true.

Blessed...who has not made me a member of another nation we say,
We will utilize our potential and act Jewish every day!

Souvenir: mullti cultural pencils

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